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Pros and Cons of a Mold Inspection Prior to Purchasing a Commercial Building

6/6/2024 (Permalink)

When you're ready to establish or expand your business in Springfield/Mt Vernon, VA, you need to start shopping for real estate. Once you've found the perfect site, you have to decide on which inspections to have done. One of the less obvious inspections is for mold. Inspections can be pricey, so here are a few pros and cons to consider when deciding whether to get a mold inspection when purchasing a commercial building.


1. Certainty
For better or worse, once the inspection is done, you know if there's a mold problem. The age of the building, prior water damage, or structural issues could all contribute to the presence of mold in the building. An inspection helps you know if there is a little mold that can be resolved with a little effort or a lot of mold that might make you decide to pass up the site.

2. Safety
You want to have a safe environment for your business. If there is visible mold during a walk-through, getting an inspection done will help you to understand the extent of the problem. The perfect site loses appeal when thousands of dollars of mold remediation needs to be done for the safety of everyone who might enter the building.

3. Remediation
If you're comfortable with the outcome of the mold inspection, you can work with a commercial remediation specialist to resolve the issues immediately. Even when it seems that mold is only present in a small amount, proper restoration by a professional will lower the chance of mold growing again in the same spot in the future.


1. Cost
There is really only one con to inspecting a real estate property for mold—the cost. The inspections themselves can run a little on the high end, and remediation could cost you even more if work needs to be done or if it turns out that the project is bigger than you thought.
A mold inspection, despite the cost, can really only work in your favor when deciding whether to buy a commercial space for your future business venture.

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